Sunday, May 5, 2013

Saints & the NFL Draft

Hey everyone! In honor of the draft a couple weeks ago, I've decided to dedicate today's post to just that. Now, I'm going to warn you that when I talk sports and decisions in sports, I sound kinda dry. This is serious stuff to me and I like to handle my opinions professionally and well... kinda like a guy. Haha, I apologize to all my female readers ahead of time! So in the next few paragraphs, it's going to be straight up information, no heightened emotion or my usual exclamation points! Hope y'all enjoy!

Let me just say first that I think the Saints had a good draft. Could have been better, but I actually am pretty satisfied with it. The defense is what had me worried. My first instinct was that we needed a pass rushing linebacker like Jarvis Jones, but then I got to thinking that the secondary also needed help. Kenny Vacarro out of Texas was a solid choice if the team decided to go in that direction. He will be an improvement to the secondary if they either move Roman Harper to safety or Malcolm Jenkins to the nickelback position. Overall, the first round pick was a success.

I really thought the third round picks were great choices. Moving to the 3-4 defense, a nose tackle position is vital. John Jenkins from Georgia is a great pick up, especially getting him in the third round. He will probably not be an every down player for the first couple years, but has potential to do very well in Rob Ryan's system.  My favorite pick is Terron Armstead, offensive tackle out of Arkansas-Pine Bluff. He fills the need at left tackle and provides a different feature. He has unusual speed for an offensive lineman, which could benefit Drew Brees when the other team sends their best pass rusher.

The lack of picks the Saints had means each pick is seen as bigger than normal. So while many don't understand choosing a wide receiver, I think it will work. Anytime you can help an offense as prolific as the Saints' offense, it is a good pick. Kenny Stills will contribute at that position. The last pick was Rufus Johnson, a defensive end from a small school, Tarleton State. I don't know much about him, but any defensive help is a good choice. Overall, I was satisfied with the Saints draft and think they'll improve from their 7-9 season. Or hopefully they will. I can't handle another season like the last... fell asleep through the games way too much. Haha just kidding, but really I did get bored out of my mind sometimes.

Oh, and feel free to leave your opinions in the comments below. I'm totally open to discussion and hearing what all y'all have to say. Until then, have a great one and take it easy!

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