Friday, May 3, 2013

My health journey

Hello friends! I was thinking about the blog this morning and was wondering what I should post. Asked my BFF and she was recommended that maybe I share something about myself so y'all could get to know me a little more. Well, I think that is a great idea!

So, everyone has obviously seen my love of sports, which is one aspect I would like to play a big part of my career in physical therapy. But health is already a huge part of my future career and it has become a big part of my life. 

During sophomore year of high school, I actually developed an eating disorder. I hated my body or my body type. I had a butt (OH NO!) and thighs, but a tiny waist... What the heck was wrong with me!? I was by no means over weight but I didn't really look like my best friends, who were complete tooth picks. I just wanted to drop a few pounds, but what was a few pounds ended up turning into a summer of not eating, a 90-pound teenager, and an extremely insecure girl.

If she was on the biggest loser... She definitely understands!

The not eating part slowly recovered with the help of friends and family, but the 90-pound teenager turned into an overweight one, and the extremely insecure girl still struggled on the inside. I picked up this book one day out of curiosity and it actually helped to change my perspective on everything.

My journey begun slowly. I dropped a few pounds here or there, but my confidence level improved drastically. Of course, I wanted to lose more weight, what girl doesn't? But I didn't find my worth in it anymore and it didn't have such a strong hold over me. Here are a list of other books on recovering from eating disorders like anorexia and even binge eating. (Just a heads up, they are mainly Christian oriented.)

I have a date with this place almost everyday!

It wasn't until my freshman year of college that the weight really started to come off. I was in control of what I could eat and I now had a membership to the gym on campus. I began reading other health books and started working out about 5-6 days a week, and by sophomore year, I was a total of 30 pounds thinner!

Now this does NOT mean I do not still struggle with my weight. I am still working on my relationship with food and I do have my ups and downs. But its the fact that I am still happy in my own skin and I am confident that I can do whatever I set my mind too. That is what being healthy means. You must incorporate these six things to achieve optimum wellness:

So, let this be a lesson that all aspects of your health are important. Don't neglect one for the other and don't overdo one over the other. Balance and moderation is key to a healthy lifestyle! LIFESTYLE! Not a diet or temporary fad. Make being healthy a lifestyle so you can actually have a long life!

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