Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hitting the Trails: Running

Good morning y'all! 

Just wanted to stop in and share a little bit of what has already happened in my day! Why yes, I am an early bird, it's no secret. When the sun rises, I rise! (Or try too... sometimes the pillow calls my name too loudly.) Back to the point!

On Sundays, my schedule is pretty hectic between church, family/friend lunch, homework, nap time, and church again in the evening. Needless to say, it's difficult to find a time to get a good work out in.  When I first moved to LSU, this became a dilemma. The UREC doesn't open until noon on Sundays! Where the heck was I gonna get my early morning workout in? I remember calling my mom (she's always the one I allow myself to complain too and she loves it... I think) and venting to her and she said two simple words... Go run. 
I bust out laughing at this every time!

Running + Me = Clumsy, awkward, in agonizing pain FOOL. I was never a runner- I hated it and avoided it at all cost. I could never work past a mile and I felt like I was dying while and after I did it. Sure, I got the "runner's high" sometimes... but I dreaded the long process of getting there. It just wasn't my cardio exercise of choice. However, with that said, I not one to complain and then not do something about it. So, I started running.

I started off by doing a plan similar to the one above. Not gonna lie, it took me longer to complete it then the time given. Physically, this plan is a great tracker of average progression. But you gotta remember I also need a general heart change for running and that needed more time- it needed to happen in my own time. Long story short- I love running now! No, I am not IN LOVE with it, but I do do it around 3 times a week, always on Sundays, and understand why and how people enjoy it. 

The LSU Lakes are where I release, relax, recuperate, and reload for the next day/week.

I honestly think that everyone should try and incorporate a little running into their weeks. It provides so many great physical and emotional benefits like...
  • Raising your good cholesterol levels
  • Improving lung function and use
  • Boosting your immune system
  • Lowering your risk of developing blood clots
  • Preventing disease (breast cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart attack & stroke)
  • Losing weight, of course
  • Relieving stress (Big one for me! Can we say college?)
  • Eliminating depression
Just to name a few!
Also, check out this 91 year old MARATHON runner for some motivation!

But really guys, running does tremendous things for your health. Now, don't think that you have to run everyday or that this is the only exercise that provides benefits. All cardio exercise is good for your health, but note that you need to remember to change up your exercise in order to prevent muscle memory. Incorporate as many exercises as possible for entertainment and to continuously challenge that body!

P.S. This blog isn't for politics, so I'm going to avoid details about the nature of this event. However, I think it would be a sweet thing to do to make your next jog in remembrance of the event and all of those who ran and all who were affected by the bombings.

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