Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hitting the Trails: Running

Good morning y'all! 

Just wanted to stop in and share a little bit of what has already happened in my day! Why yes, I am an early bird, it's no secret. When the sun rises, I rise! (Or try too... sometimes the pillow calls my name too loudly.) Back to the point!

On Sundays, my schedule is pretty hectic between church, family/friend lunch, homework, nap time, and church again in the evening. Needless to say, it's difficult to find a time to get a good work out in.  When I first moved to LSU, this became a dilemma. The UREC doesn't open until noon on Sundays! Where the heck was I gonna get my early morning workout in? I remember calling my mom (she's always the one I allow myself to complain too and she loves it... I think) and venting to her and she said two simple words... Go run. 
I bust out laughing at this every time!

Running + Me = Clumsy, awkward, in agonizing pain FOOL. I was never a runner- I hated it and avoided it at all cost. I could never work past a mile and I felt like I was dying while and after I did it. Sure, I got the "runner's high" sometimes... but I dreaded the long process of getting there. It just wasn't my cardio exercise of choice. However, with that said, I not one to complain and then not do something about it. So, I started running.

I started off by doing a plan similar to the one above. Not gonna lie, it took me longer to complete it then the time given. Physically, this plan is a great tracker of average progression. But you gotta remember I also need a general heart change for running and that needed more time- it needed to happen in my own time. Long story short- I love running now! No, I am not IN LOVE with it, but I do do it around 3 times a week, always on Sundays, and understand why and how people enjoy it. 

The LSU Lakes are where I release, relax, recuperate, and reload for the next day/week.

I honestly think that everyone should try and incorporate a little running into their weeks. It provides so many great physical and emotional benefits like...
  • Raising your good cholesterol levels
  • Improving lung function and use
  • Boosting your immune system
  • Lowering your risk of developing blood clots
  • Preventing disease (breast cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart attack & stroke)
  • Losing weight, of course
  • Relieving stress (Big one for me! Can we say college?)
  • Eliminating depression
Just to name a few!
Also, check out this 91 year old MARATHON runner for some motivation!

But really guys, running does tremendous things for your health. Now, don't think that you have to run everyday or that this is the only exercise that provides benefits. All cardio exercise is good for your health, but note that you need to remember to change up your exercise in order to prevent muscle memory. Incorporate as many exercises as possible for entertainment and to continuously challenge that body!

P.S. This blog isn't for politics, so I'm going to avoid details about the nature of this event. However, I think it would be a sweet thing to do to make your next jog in remembrance of the event and all of those who ran and all who were affected by the bombings.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Super Bulldog Weekend: Hail State!

So I'm not sure if this post will increase my readers or send them running, but I was not always a LSU Tiger. Gasp! 

Can't tell by this picture, can you?

Yes, yes, it is true. I was actually a Mississippi State Bulldog my freshman year of college. I am not ashamed to say I loved every second of it either. Why did I come back to my home state though? Well, you all know about that little thing called TOPS...where if you graduated from a Louisiana high school and pass a certain curriculum with a high enough ACT score, you can receive free tuition? Well, I was kind of throwing that away by going out of state. I also changed my major to pre-physical therapy and I needed a medical school that was directly linked to my undergrad to increase my chances of getting in (It is SO competitive nowadays). And to be honest, I missed my friends and family a whole bunch, so with a lot of praying and time, I made the decision to come back. I don't regret it thus far, but I do miss State sometimes. I made a lot of friends there along with lots of memories. I hadn't seen my friends in a while and was wondering how the campus had changed, so I knew I was due for a four and a half hour trip that way. Yeah, that is sort of a long time, but I had a free weekend and a big paycheck that week so I decided I was hitting the road. Starkville, here I come!

With the smoke billowing from the grills of Left Field Lounge, everyone in Starkville, Mississippi knew that this was going to be an incredible time of baseball and fun.  During the weekend of April 19-21, Bulldog fans were swarming the campus of Mississippi State for Super Bulldog Weekend.

This weekend consisted of BBQ, music, football, baseball and other activities.  On Friday, baseball began their series against the Auburn Tigers, followed by a fireworks show after the game. Now I'm not usually a big fan of fireworks. The loud noise hurts my ears and to be honest, I've seen prettier things. But seeing them light up State's campus and everyone in such good cheers, I couldn't help but get this happy and peaceful feelings, even though it was anything but peaceful, ha!  Saturday, football concluded their spring practice with the Maroon and White game at Davis Wade stadium. I have my favorite players and they were all even divided among the maroon and white, so I just cheered for complete passes, awesome tackles, and of course every single touchdown; I have to support all my boys, right? These events were all building up to the Saturday evening baseball matchup, where the fans would try to set another attendance record in college baseball. This was going to be HUGE.

Mississippi State holds nine of the top ten on-campus attendance records in college baseball.  On Saturday they accomplished their goal of gaining all ten.  14,562 fans rolled into Dudy Noble field that afternoon, which was the seconds largest in college baseball history.  I was amazed as I walked to my seat. Never had I seen the stands packed to the brim and overspilling into the aisles. It made me so proud to have history as a student here. It was the moment I sat down in my seat, smiled to my left and to my right, that I knew I made the right choice of driving four and half hours for this. The energy of the crowd that evening summed up the entire spring weekend in Starkville. 
Hail State!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Goodbye to the Hive, Hello to the Coop

It was a sad day for many Hornets fans, but a happy day for some.  The last day of the 2012-13 NBA season was going to be the last time the Hornets every played a game. The team wasn’t disappearing, but new ownership was trying to increase attendance and energy with a new mascot…the Pelicans.

RIP Hornets: You will be missed.

Many, like myself, felt no need for the re-branding of the New Orleans squad. While the mascot holds true to the New Orleans vibe, it has become the laughing stock of the sports world.  Even though there are other goofy mascots such as the Magic and the Wizards, none compare to the Pelicans. Think about the announcer at the games now… He is going to sound so ridiculous stating the name and then following it with the New Orleans Pelicans! How intimidating…

I have no idea what the marketing team thought would happen by changing the mascot. Wins sell tickets, not mascots. Sure, we did not have the greatest season and we need to change a lot of things up… but the mascot is not the answer. The fact that so many were disappointed to see the Hornets go shows that there was no need for a bird as a mascot, especially when the bird is a Pelican. 

I would like to take the remainder of this blog to reminisce about the good ole days...

Our last game at the Hive :(
Chris Paul jersey for 3 dollars!
Hornets Vs. Clippers: Such a great game!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Masters: Congratulations Adam Scott

It’s no secret that I am a fanatic of sports. However, I do have sports that I like more than others and I also have sports that are a little more difficult for me to watch… Golf. It is just so boring! Hit. Wait. Repeat for 18 holes. I need continuous competition. I enjoy the type that puts me on the edge of my seat and has me biting my nails. Now don’t get me wrong, the athletes who play golf deserve a lot of credit for the skills they have mastered. And that’s exactly why I do watch it and like to be informed. Just I tend to doze off sometimes into my mid-afternoon nap. But with all of that said, I thought I should report on the Masters since they just finished up.

The 2012 Masters Golf Tournament started like any other Masters.  The beautiful landscape looked like it always has.  With Tiger Woods being the unanimous favorite heading into Thursday, this seemed like another historical weekend in April.  However, this weekend became memorable for other reasons, but as usual, Tiger was still in the midst of it all.

Friday afternoon, Woods was approaching the 15th green when his ball rolled back into the water.  Woods had three options: hit where his ball crossed the water, hit from a drop zone, or hit from his original spot. Woods chose to hit from his original spot, but he did not drop the ball from the original spot. He stated in a post-game interview that he wanted to move the ball back for a better shot, which raised many eye brows among fans and judges.  The next day, Woods was penalized two strokes, thus hurting his chances for the green jacket.
Not this year, Tiger! (Sorry guys, was never really a fan!)

With Woods out of the picture, many fans felt a lull in the entire tournament. However, the Aussie Adam Scott stole the show with a sudden death playoff against Angel Cabrera. Scott had come so close so many times, but he never had won a major.  This time he was up to the challenge, and he finally put on the coveted green jacket.
Congratulations Adam!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Campus Outreach: Tampa Beach Project

Hey everyone! 
I know this is my second post for the day, but something kinda really big happened today! But before I tell you (gotta make it suspenseful!), I'm gonna give you a little background information!

Here at LSU, I am a part of a Christian ministry called Campus Outreach. It is is an interdenominational ministry committed to raising up Christians on college campuses. I have met some great people who have become my mentors and best friends! On a weekly basis, we learn how to really study the Bible, share our faith, and help lead other girls and guys to Christ. I have been growing so much in my faith and have had so many opportunities to do ministry. This summer I have been given the opportunity for more training and ministry. I am going to be part of the Tampa Project for 10 weeks this summer with Campus Outreach ( I will be living with about 100 other college students in Tampa, FL and working at Busch Gardens Theme park while receiving intentional spiritual training. We will be trained in Bible study, prayer, spiritual leadership, and will also be taught how to share the gospel and have opportunities to do so at work and in the city of Tampa. It will challenge me physically and spiritually, but I know that this investment of my time and energy will carry returns long past my time at LSU as I grow in my faith.

Signing my commitment letter for Tampa!

Now, Tampa ain't cheap. Tampa Project costs $1350 which will cover the cost of my hotel in Tampa, 3 meals a week, and all my project training materials. This is where the BIG news comes in...


I had an interview this morning with Busch Gardens and received a job working in the concessions! That means I'll be able to work and pay as I go, instead of draining my savings!
This is going to be a life changing summer for me, y'all. I absolutely cannot wait until I get to share my experience and what I learn with all of you! Prayers have definitely been answered today!

Michael Mauti: Hometown Sensation

It’s always cool to hear about people from your hometown making it big. You feel like your town maybe isn’t the most pathetic or an outcast and you feel like there’s hope to get out of there after all.  Now, I am probably being a little over dramatic if I compare Mandeville, Louisiana with that mentality. I could honestly say that Mandeville is probably one of the best places to live, especially if you are looking to raise a family. The public schools are ranked among the highest in the entire state, the area is mainly middle to upper class, and its only about 30 miles south of New Orleans. It provides the safety of the suburbs, yet the convenience and fun of a city.
Check out all that Mandeville has to offer

But let's get back to the real story.

With the NFL draft fast approaching, Penn State linebacker Michael Mauti is one of many college players trying to catch the eyes of a team willing to pull the trigger on him.  However, his story is quite different from many other draft prospects.

A Louisiana native, Mauti graduated from Mandeville High School and accepted a scholarship offer from the Nittany Lions.  He was a quick contributor his freshman season, playing in every game including the Rose Bowl.  His success was soon cut short due to a torn ACL during the summer.  Mauti continued to fight through two more ACL injuries during his Penn State career. Despite the obstacles, he was very efficient when healthy.  Aside from all the injuries, Mauti also persevered through the Jerry Sandusky scandal and Joe Paterno firing.  He emerged as the forefront leader of the Nittany Lions, and gained national media attention.

Mauti is now back in south Louisiana training and rehabbing his knee for the NFL.  Like many other Mandeville residents and Penn State fans, Mauti is just hoping for a chance to comeback.