Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Campus Outreach: Tampa Beach Project

Hey everyone! 
I know this is my second post for the day, but something kinda really big happened today! But before I tell you (gotta make it suspenseful!), I'm gonna give you a little background information!

Here at LSU, I am a part of a Christian ministry called Campus Outreach. It is is an interdenominational ministry committed to raising up Christians on college campuses. I have met some great people who have become my mentors and best friends! On a weekly basis, we learn how to really study the Bible, share our faith, and help lead other girls and guys to Christ. I have been growing so much in my faith and have had so many opportunities to do ministry. This summer I have been given the opportunity for more training and ministry. I am going to be part of the Tampa Project for 10 weeks this summer with Campus Outreach ( I will be living with about 100 other college students in Tampa, FL and working at Busch Gardens Theme park while receiving intentional spiritual training. We will be trained in Bible study, prayer, spiritual leadership, and will also be taught how to share the gospel and have opportunities to do so at work and in the city of Tampa. It will challenge me physically and spiritually, but I know that this investment of my time and energy will carry returns long past my time at LSU as I grow in my faith.

Signing my commitment letter for Tampa!

Now, Tampa ain't cheap. Tampa Project costs $1350 which will cover the cost of my hotel in Tampa, 3 meals a week, and all my project training materials. This is where the BIG news comes in...


I had an interview this morning with Busch Gardens and received a job working in the concessions! That means I'll be able to work and pay as I go, instead of draining my savings!
This is going to be a life changing summer for me, y'all. I absolutely cannot wait until I get to share my experience and what I learn with all of you! Prayers have definitely been answered today!

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